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Damloperspad restored until late 2024

The drawbridge at Damloperspad had to be removed three years ago to make way for OV-SAAL, a major railway project to increase public transport capacity between Schiphol and Lelystad. Originally, the decision was made not to put the bridge back afterwards, because we need the site around it in the longer term for the Zuidasdok project. But users were keen to see Damloperspad reconnected with Jachthavenweg in order to ensure that the path around De Nieuwe Meer really does go all the way around it. The plans for Zuidasdok have since been modified, which is why this became possible again.

The restored connection between Damloperspad and Jachthavenweg

Three summers long

The area to the north of the bridge will not be set up as a work site for Zuidasdok until the end of 2024. The reinstatement of the bridge means that the path in this green fringe of Zuidas will definitely be accessible for the next three summers. Since the bridge is temporary, we have opted for a fixed structure, rather than a drawbridge. As a result, the spit of land on Damloperspad and the buildings on Jachthavenweg (including the ABN AMRO MeesPierson and Alpinvest offices) will not be accessible for boats.


On the Jachthavenweg side, we will restore the old footpath and tidy it up. This will involve pruning and other work. After completion of Zuidasdok at this location, we will restore Damloperspad for good.

The restored Damloperspadbrug

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