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Plug pulled on Sapiens creative centre in Valley

This spring, all three parties were planning to join forces under the name Sapiens and open a combined museum, laboratory, creative workshop and thinktank in Valley. The idea was that interdisciplinary teams in research and education would collaborate on themes including biodiversity, climate and sustainability. There were also plans for cultural activities inside the building focusing on the themes. However, the partners have concluded that a feasible business case will not be possible.

Regret that the initiative will end

Executive Board President at VU Amsterdam, Mirjam van Praag and Director of the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute, Philipp Pattberg, expressed regret that the initiative will not go ahead. Van Praag: ‘VU Amsterdam’s drive to find answers to the major issues of the day is as strong as ever and we intend to use the period ahead to intensify our work on this.’ Pattberg: ‘The ecological crisis continues; current policy on calling a halt to climate change and the loss of diversity is inadequate. ‘Sapiens’ was an attempt to create a movement to tackle this fundamental crisis based on scientific excellence, combined with society’s creativity and young people’s boundless energy. I’m convinced that this is still a formula for success.’

Winding up

The initiators are currently not exploring any further options for pursuing the concept further. They are working on the winding up of ‘Sapiens’. The City of Amsterdam will now join the building’s owner in exploring potential for an alternative use of the space.

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