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Walking to Amsterdam Zuid station via Zuidplein is not always a pleasure. Huge puddles are left there after heavy rainfall. There are several causes for this. Firstly, the holes in the covers are too small, preventing rainwater from draining quickly enough. Because of the small holes, the covers also often become blocked. Another problem is the way in which the covers are secured in place. They are attached by two bolts that break off regularly. This often makes it impossible to unscrew them properly in order to allow the water to drain away.

One of the covers we are replacing

New drain covers

Obviously, it’s now high time for new covers, especially as autumn has begun to make its mark. The new versions will not be bolted on and will have larger holes. The new model has already been tested in Zuidplein and appears to perform effectively. Starting on Monday, 26 October 2020, we will be replacing the drain covers individually. The working area will always be cordoned off with low-level construction fencing.

No faster

We estimate that we can replace around three drain covers every day. This cannot be done any faster, because we want to keep enough walking space for visitors and residents of Zuidas in view of the social-distancing measures. The work will be completed in mid-November, by which time we expect huge puddles to be a thing of the past in Zuidplein.

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