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In this area – located to the north of IJsbaanpad, between Amstelveenseweg and the Na-Druk-Geluk bridge  – there are plans for housing, offices and a range of amenities. The northern zone of IJsbaanpad will be divided into four building plots, on which around 250 homes, a school, two child daycare centres, offices and a pedestrian bridge across Stadiongracht will be developed. The existing buildings in this area will be demolished in phases to make this possible. This development will help to meet the significant need for housing in the City of Amsterdam. The plans for this part of Verdi were already set down in the Verdi Subplan 1 Investment Memorandum (Investeringsnota Verdi Deelplan 1), which was approved by the City Council in September 2019.

Impression of the development in the northern zone of IJsbaanpad

Open for consultation

The draft zoning plan is open for consultation from Thursday, 9 November 2023 until Wednesday, 20 December 2023. This means that anyone can submit their opinion during this period. The plan can be consulted on the website (in Dutch) and you can view it in person at the Zuid City Office (President Kennedylaan 923, 1079 MZ Amsterdam) and the Centre City Office (Amstel 1, 1011 PN  Amsterdam). For details of the opening hours, you can call 14 020 or take a look at

Consultation session

Between 18.00 and 20.00 on Thursday, 23 November, we are organising a consultation session in the Zuidas Information Centre in the central atrium of the World Trade Center, Strawinskylaan 59. You are warmly welcome to attend if you have questions about the draft zoning plan and/or would like further details. The evening will not include a plenary section and you are free to drop in between 18.00 and 20.00.

Next steps

After the consultation, we will study the opinions submitted and decide whether or not these need to be incorporated in the definitive zoning plan. The zoning plan will then be put to the Amsterdam City Council for approval. This is expected to happen in the spring of 2024.

Verdi development

The City of Amsterdam is working on plans to develop the Verdi area – located between the river Schinkel and Amstelveenseweg – into a mixed residential/working zone. This will be based on our vision of connecting, consolidating and making things greener. Earlier this year, we reported about the cancellation of part of these plans (relocation of the Sporthallen Zuid sports complex in a stacked building and the development of new housing in the space created). The plan was to organise an information meeting about it this year. However, work is still under way to assess how the renovation and extension of the sports complex can be integrated within the plans. We are postponing the information meeting until that becomes clearer. If, in the meantime you have any questions about the Verdi area development or the Sporthallen Zuid, please contact the Zuidas Information Centre.

Give your opinion