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At the end of 2021, the City of Amsterdam decided to reduce the maximum speed on roads and streets in many areas of the city to 30 km/h. In February 2023, it will be the turn of Gustav Maherlaan-West, between Parnassusweg and the Vrije Universiteit. The maximum speed there will be reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h. Following the construction of the new crossing at Gustav Mahlerlaan and Parnassusweg, this is another step towards a safer and more pleasant residential area in the Kenniskwartier, with more space and consideration for cyclists and pedestrians.

Safer living and working

Currently, Gustav Mahlerlaan-West is used mainly as an access road for the university. However, the arrival of Stepstone and The Pulse of Amsterdam in 2024 means that more and more people will be living in this part of the Kenniskwartier. Reducing the speed limit will reduce noise pollution and make it safer for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.

Signposts and markings

In February 2023, we will place four 30 km/h zone signs in Gustav Mahlerlaan-West as well as two 30 km/h road markings. The white centre line of approximately 130 metres long will disappear.

The 30 km/h zone

Looking to the future

Over the longer term, the whole of Gustav Mahlerlaan-West will be redesigned. The asphalt will be replaced by the red bricks that are characteristic of Amsterdam, for example. But that won’t happen for a few years, because many of the new buildings in this part of the Kenniskwartier will need to be completed first. For example, approximately 1,500 homes will be built between the A10 and Gustav Mahlerlaan-West. And once SC Buitenveldert football club has been relocated, another 1,500 homes and facilities will be built to the south of Gustav Mahlerlaan-West, as well as a primary school.

The Dutch traffic decision is available for public inspection for 6 weeks. This means that objections can be submitted by 3 February 2023. To find out how this can be done, please see

On the City of Amsterdam website, you can find more information in Dutch about the many streets in Amsterdam that are switching to a speed limit of 30 km/h.

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